Quangsheng Luban No. 91 Small Shoulder Plane

Was: £100.00
Now: £80.00
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The Quangsheng Luban No.91 shoulder plane is literally a 'shrunk in the wash' smaller version of the No.92, but at this scale the design works astonishingly well.

Narrower and lighter than a Preston 1368 and its derivatives (Record/Clifton 410, Lie Nielsen etc), the Quangsheng, in proportional terms, feels much closer to the original slender cabinetmakers shoulder planes developed by James Syme of London.

The long lever extends beyond the adjuster, preventing inadvertent alterations to the blade setting in use, and the deep swoop at the front provides a nice positive rest for the thumb or forefinger. An adjustable mouth and a clever twin thread adjustment mechanism provide fine control of the blade position.

At five and a quarter inches long, half an inch wide, and weighing 12oz (340g) it is equally easy to use with one hand or two.

The body is cast in unbreakable CR40, with a T10 blade and all other components cast or machined from stainless steel.

Another refinement is that the lever is captive at low tensions, so the plane won't disassemble itself while you are making adjustments.

In short, if this isn't the perfect cabinetmakers shoulder plane, it's very close to it.

Please note that we are unable to ship Quangsheng products to North America due to retail exclusivity restrictions.