Quercus, a quarterly magazine for anyone working wood by hand featuring a wide variety of subjects including tools, techniques, design and craftmanship past and present.
Quercus is edited by Nick Gibbs, with the assistance of a specialised freelance writers and magazine people and is printed full colour on recycled paper.
January/February 2022 Features:
- Exclusive Interview with Paul Sellers
- Misti Leitz - Is she really Britain's best woodworker
- Radha Sivyer - The challenges of making a chair in two days
- Dylan Iwakuni - Discovers how an antique shop inspired a chairmaker by chance
- Bill Ratcliffe - The Warrington chest - history and value of making tool chests
- Edge Protection - how to protect flesh from edges and edges from nicks
- The Endangered Crafts - The meaning and significance of the HCA red list of threatened skills
- Germán Peraire - 21 step manual to cutting a wedged, through M&T joint
- Ethan Sinox - makes a bog oak plane box